
Sunday, April 19, 2015

40 Weeks: A Baby Story

Kayee's labor and delivery was pretty crazy and I wanted to make sure I documented it!

Let me backtrack a little bit.

With Fletcher, I never had the desire to go natural until about a week before delivery. It was then when I hard a strong prompting to forgo drugs and labor the old fashion way.

I am so thankful for that prompting. Fletcher ended up being sunny side up and most of these deliveries, especially those with my body frame, result in a C-section. Because I was able to utilize the force of gravity during my labor, my body was able to slide Fletcher out without medical intervention. This was such a blessing considering Kory was due back to Afghanistan three days after Fletchers delivery. 

However, I was very much up in the air on whether or not I wanted to repeat a natural delivery this time around. So in the end, I decided just to play the situation by ear. 

I was super happy about the timing of my delivery. Kory and I just finished an overnight date at a local hotel and he was also able to take Alexa to a father daughter dance that day. 

While Kory was at the dance, I started having some contractions on and off. Nothing super painful, but pretty consistent. My aunt invited us over for dinner that night and because I was not feeling too horrible, we kept those dinner plans.  So glad I did! It was the perfect meal before delivery!

Around the time we finished up dessert, I knew it was time to go home. My contractions were starting to get a little bit more intense. 

With Fletcher, I labored at home for quite a while. We left for the hospital in well enough time for delivery. Because I timed it so well with Fletcher, I thought I could gauge our departure to the hospital based on my pain level for the last time. Stupid. 

Fletcher's delivery was sooo much more painful due to the fact he was sunny side up.... That being said, I really misjudged how far along I was with this labor because the contractions were so much less intense. In fact, I was contemplating whether or not to do a few more contractions at home in the bath. So glad I didn't!

I knew I had made a mistake when we were in the car. Everything sped up. My contractions increased to every two minutes and I was at the stage when I was ready to die.  I remembered the midwife telling me with Fletcher that the minute you are ready to give up... Delivery is right around the corner... And it was. Of course we were driving in the middle of a blizzard and my poor husband could not go any faster without  killing us all.

During the hospitals off hours... All patients must enter through the ER. When I arrived at the desk... She called the labor and delivery nurses and they headed down. While I was waiting my water broke and I felt the baby coming out.... At the same time the ER staff was trying to get my insurance information. Such a joke. I also remember her telling me not to push... Again... Such a joke. A women's body is quite amazing... I almost felt as though the body naturally pushes the baby out. It's crazy.

Anyway... The nurses knew I was close when I refused to sit normal in the wheel chair... I couldn't! The babys head was coming out!

When we got to our room... I seriously jumped on the bed and she was there.  A nurse delivered the baby and I did not even have time to take off my jacket off!

Welcome to the world Kaylee!

(Super sad she came so fast. I hired a birth photographer that could not make it in time... No amazing birth photos this time around!)

Sunday, March 8, 2015

39 Weeks: HE IS HOME!!!!

This week I started contracting a lot. I was starting to wonder if my husband would make it home for the delivery. This looks like it will be her last baby and I really cannot want my husband to miss the birth! However, he took an earlier flight home and surprised me at a restaurant. It was probably one of the best days of my life. 

Now our little baby girl can come and have her daddy by her side!

38 Weeks: Alexa

Let me just say this.... I think we would've had some major issues had we been giving birth to a boy as opposed to a girl. Alexa is so excited to have a sister... Especially being sandwiched in between two very active brothers. She loves them both, but I think there is something very special about having a sister. I am so thankful for my sisters! And I'm so glad she gets to experience a similar bond. 

Week 37: My oldest son

Braxton has been absolutely adorable this pregnancy. With my other pregnancies, he was a little bit young to understand exactly what was going on. This time around, she has been totally involved. Almost like a stand-in husband while Kory has been gone!

He talks about the pregnancy all the time to his friends, he asks to hear the heartbeat every night, and never misses being able to hug and kiss the baby when he gets a chance. 

This pregnancy has been able to introduce me to a totally different side of my son... And I absolutely love it! 

Week 35: All good!

Despite my meaurements... She is all good! 

Week 34: Hiccup

Little a concerned. My doctor ordered an ultrasound.... Apparently I am measuring small. I have not gained a lot of weight this pregnancy... Only ate the amount of calories recommended for each trimester... But maybe the combo of watching what I was eating and exercise was not giving my little girl enough. Ugh! I am worried. Especially if this an issue I could have prevented. 

Week 33: Still sick!

This time around we decided to find out the gender.... But can I just say???? Had we not.... I still would have known we were having a girl. I still wake up sick every morning!